
Tuesday, August 20

AES Elite Dressage Auction Returns to the BD Nationals

Following a successful and enjoyable experience last year, the Anglo European Studbook is delighted to return to the Le Mieux British Dressage National Championships at Stoneleigh on 14th September 2019 with another superb selection of 20 handpicked foals from world class bloodlines.
Says studbook directors Joris van den Oetelaar:
"Our priority as a performance studbook is to forge strong connections between breeding and the sport. Our auctions have become an important showcase for the very best of British bred young stock to knowledgeable national and international audiences from where they will go on to succeed in the sport. We are looking forward to returning to the BD Nationals at Stoneleigh, which provides a wonderful atmosphere and experience for all riders and owners."
For 2019, the AES is implementing a new selection process through the British Breeding Futurity and the Elite Foals Tour. 
AES evaluator Dr Eva-Maria Broomer explains:
"Working with the British Breeding Futurity and the Elite Foals Tour has been an exciting development. All selected foals will have been through a thorough assessment process with a panel of independent evaluators and industry experts from the UK and Europe to create a collection of the very best of the best."
With another week of Elite Foal Tour and Futurity selections ahead, the team has already identified some outstanding foals, with more to come. 
Says Dr Broomer:
"We are delighted with the quality of foals presented to us this year, with very exciting new prospects coming forward, some of whom have already been awarded the incredible accolade of Elite Premium status by a team of international evaluators."
To gain an Elite Premium with the Futurity, foals have to score an average of over 9, with equally weighted marks for soundness and limbs - awarded by a senior veterinarian - ,  and conformation, walk, trot and canter.
As in the previous year, the auction will take place on the Saturday night of the BD Nationals, with stables open throughout the day for interested buyers to come and meet the foals and their breeders. Stoneleigh is the ideal venue, with riders and owners from across the UK coming together for a fantastic competition and celebration of the sport, and being able to meet the next generation of future dressage stars provides very much the icing on the cake. 
The Anglo European Studbook and British Dressage are looking forward to welcoming prospective riders and owners to come and find their future partner in the sport from a range of especially selected foals. 
Photograph: Ginleys Gunpoweder (Myspires Fider Hit x Johnson), bred by Ginleys Stud, receiving the highly regarded accolade of a Futurity Elite Premium 
