You must forward us a completed copy of the 'Lost passport declaration form' and a completed 'sketch form' which has to be done by a vet. The duplicate passport will then be issued and send out. In case the original passport will later be found you have to send it back to our office and keep the duplicate.Fee for a duplicate passport is the same as for an original passport i.e. US$ 160.
De Heikampen 9
5482 ZR Schijndel
New Barn Farm
Capel Road
West Sussex
RH12 4PZ
United Kingdom
Post adres België:
AES Belgie
Kiezelvoort 74
3550 Heusden-Zolder
147 Route de Vers le Nant
74400 Chamonix
Vizcaya of the Sun Farms
1633 Trotter Court
FL 33414
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